Below are links to some of my dabbling efforts with media and art for fun.
The Human Experience of 10 PRINT:
A simple iconic line of BASIC code from the Commodore 64, 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10, produces a lovely mazelike image of 1,000 cells in about 40 seconds.
Here I present a personal examination of the human effort computational processes represent. Following the same algorithmic logic as the 10 PRINT code, I randomly determined the direction and color of 1,000 brush strokes over 8 hours.
Super Mario Odyssey Black & White:
The Magnavox Odyssey was the first home video game console. However, without any mechanisms for bounding gameplay rules or tracking score players had to use analog peripherals, their own imagination, and the honor system to play.
This project explores an unrealized trajectory of videogame development where the iconic Super Mario was released on the Odyssey.
Don’t Get Glooped: A PCG Jumpman Clone:
The original Jumpman game, by Epyx featured 30 levels and notoriously difficult player control/game physics.
With this game I tried to create a similar, but simplified, style of gameplay that utilized procedurally generated maps to create near infinite novel gameplay experiences.